SVG to EPS converter

Use this free online SVG to EPS converter to convert SVG files to EPS images, quickly and easily, without having to install any software.

Or drop them here

SVG and EPS - both formats were created for professional work with graphics. They have a lot in common and they both are good, but each in its own way.

What is SVG?

SVG (“Scalable Vector Graphics”) is a vector format, which means that images of this format do not lose their quality when scaling. Due to the fact that SVG is just code, it allows you to work with an image - change colors and shapes – directly in the code editor, which makes the interaction much easier. Moreover, SVG provides the opportunity to work with animated graphics, supports transparency and the presence of text. SVG is a standard in the world of digital graphics and it has no equal in it. But if images are meant to be printed in the future, SVG is not suitable, since during printing they may lose all the charms of the format.

Why Should You Convert to EPS?

EPS (“Encapsulated PostScript”) is a vector format that became the basis for the Adobe Illustrator (ai) format. Since it is based on vectors, images do not lose their quality when you zoom them in. EPS, like SVG, supports transparency and images in this format can be saved in a variety of color spaces. The format is not restricted to Adobe products only, which gives you the freedom to choose the best program to work with based on your own preferences. EPS is well suited for printing and is used in professional printing, but you need to be careful - if you use a printer that does not support PostScript, the print result may be unpredictable. If you do not work in Adobe software, you do not need the option to work with animation and you plan to print your works in future, EPS is a suitable option.

How to Convert?

Click on “Upload files”, select the SVG files you want to convert (or just drop them to the window outlined by a dotted line) and wait. Converted files will be ready within a couple of seconds. All you have to do after is click “Download” and select the location where the files will be saved.